One Sport Down - One Going Down in Flames!
Originally posted on "The Radioaffliction" on 2/17/05
Thank you National Hockey League(NHL), for finally doing the right thing and doing what you had planned to do all along. Cancel your season. In case you hadn't noticed there hasn't been any hockey this year. Did you miss it? No, neither did I. Two reasons, one there is still hockey in my town (ON Wisconsin! GO Badgers!) if I wanted to see it, and two I've been following English Football, which is pretty much like hockey, just played on a bigger field, with more players, no ice, no sticks, just as much scoring, better fans sitting in the stands drinking beer and singing songs, and players getting red carded (kicked out of the game) for nailing a guy in the back of the head (just like they do in Hockey!). So there is nothing to miss. So long NHL, you're not missed and even if you come back no one will notice.
Next up:Juiceball-- I'm sorry, I mean Baseball.
Baseball isn't going away, but with the steroids controversy, and all the talk shows, interviews, opinions, Sportcenters, and Behind the Lines, you may not even know the games are being played!
For the record, the controversy isn't that some star players were taking steroids and in the process some long standing records were or will be broken. It's the culture of the whole league that has allowed a player using steroids to flourish. With two expansions, moving a crappy American League team making them a crappy National League team, and at least 16 new stadiums, with the exception of Seattle all seeing increases in home runs. A player in these conditions shouldn't need steroids to hit 30 or more home runs, but why settle for 30 or 35 when with a little juice you can hit 50 or 60, get more bucks ($$$) and more babes! Should be a fun season. And who knows maybe the games will be good too.
Thank you National Hockey League(NHL), for finally doing the right thing and doing what you had planned to do all along. Cancel your season. In case you hadn't noticed there hasn't been any hockey this year. Did you miss it? No, neither did I. Two reasons, one there is still hockey in my town (ON Wisconsin! GO Badgers!) if I wanted to see it, and two I've been following English Football, which is pretty much like hockey, just played on a bigger field, with more players, no ice, no sticks, just as much scoring, better fans sitting in the stands drinking beer and singing songs, and players getting red carded (kicked out of the game) for nailing a guy in the back of the head (just like they do in Hockey!). So there is nothing to miss. So long NHL, you're not missed and even if you come back no one will notice.
Next up:Juiceball-- I'm sorry, I mean Baseball.
Baseball isn't going away, but with the steroids controversy, and all the talk shows, interviews, opinions, Sportcenters, and Behind the Lines, you may not even know the games are being played!
For the record, the controversy isn't that some star players were taking steroids and in the process some long standing records were or will be broken. It's the culture of the whole league that has allowed a player using steroids to flourish. With two expansions, moving a crappy American League team making them a crappy National League team, and at least 16 new stadiums, with the exception of Seattle all seeing increases in home runs. A player in these conditions shouldn't need steroids to hit 30 or more home runs, but why settle for 30 or 35 when with a little juice you can hit 50 or 60, get more bucks ($$$) and more babes! Should be a fun season. And who knows maybe the games will be good too.